DIY-Messgerät für Fließgeschwindigkeit – Testcode

DIY-Messgerät für Fließgeschwindigkeit – Testcode

Leider ist der Wasserdurchfluss-Sensor noch nicht geliefert worden, aber ich habe mir bereits einen Sketch herausgesucht, der uns mit einigen Modifikationen zum Ziel bringen sollte. Es handelt sich dabei um einen Code von Adafruit für ihren baugleichen Adafruit-Flow-Meter.

Der ursprüngliche Code lautet:

This is example code for using the Adafruit liquid flow meters. 

Tested and works great with the Adafruit plastic and brass meters

Connect the red wire to +5V, 
the black wire to common ground 
and the yellow sensor wire to pin #2

Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code, 
please support Adafruit and open-source hardware by purchasing 
products from Adafruit!

Written by Limor Fried/Ladyada  for Adafruit Industries.  
BSD license, check license.txt for more information
All text above must be included in any redistribution
#include "LiquidCrystal.h"
LiquidCrystal lcd(7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12);

// which pin to use for reading the sensor? can use any pin!

// count how many pulses!
volatile uint16_t pulses = 0;
// track the state of the pulse pin
volatile uint8_t lastflowpinstate;
// you can try to keep time of how long it is between pulses
volatile uint32_t lastflowratetimer = 0;
// and use that to calculate a flow rate
volatile float flowrate;
// Interrupt is called once a millisecond, looks for any pulses from the sensor!
  uint8_t x = digitalRead(FLOWSENSORPIN);
  if (x == lastflowpinstate) {
    return; // nothing changed!
  if (x == HIGH) {
    //low to high transition!
  lastflowpinstate = x;
  flowrate = 1000.0;
  flowrate /= lastflowratetimer;  // in hertz
  lastflowratetimer = 0;

void useInterrupt(boolean v) {
  if (v) {
    // Timer0 is already used for millis() - we'll just interrupt somewhere
    // in the middle and call the "Compare A" function above
    OCR0A = 0xAF;
    TIMSK0 |= _BV(OCIE0A);
  } else {
    // do not call the interrupt function COMPA anymore
    TIMSK0 &= ~_BV(OCIE0A);

void setup() {
   Serial.print("Flow sensor test!");
   lcd.begin(16, 2);
   digitalWrite(FLOWSENSORPIN, HIGH);
   lastflowpinstate = digitalRead(FLOWSENSORPIN);

void loop()                     // run over and over again
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
  lcd.print("Pulses:"); lcd.print(pulses, DEC);
  lcd.print(" Hz:");
  Serial.print("Freq: "); Serial.println(flowrate);
  Serial.print("Pulses: "); Serial.println(pulses, DEC);
  // if a plastic sensor use the following calculation
  // Sensor Frequency (Hz) = 7.5 * Q (Liters/min)
  // Liters = Q * time elapsed (seconds) / 60 (seconds/minute)
  // Liters = (Frequency (Pulses/second) / 7.5) * time elapsed (seconds) / 60
  // Liters = Pulses / (7.5 * 60)
  float liters = pulses;
  liters /= 7.5;
  liters /= 60.0;

  // if a brass sensor use the following calculation
  float liters = pulses;
  liters /= 8.1;
  liters -= 6;
  liters /= 60.0;
  Serial.print(liters); Serial.println(" Liters");
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
  lcd.print(liters); lcd.print(" Liters        ");

Sobald der Wasserdurchfluss-Sensor eingetroffen ist und mit diesem Code in seiner Ursprungsfassung läuft, werde ich mich daran machen ihn umzuschreiben.

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